Friday, December 7, 2012

Welcome to Shutter Bugs - Our Photography Blog

Dear Shutter Bugs

Hurrah!! with your blessings, good wishes, togetherness, help and active participation and unending effort and support we have completed one week in Shutter Bugs - Our photography.  This has been a great experience of fellow feeling and togetherness, experience of sharing our creativity under a common platform and enriching ourselves with the other one's experiences and passion.  Our greatest asset is that we are creators, and our creative instincts are very functional and hyperactive, that is god's great blessing that we see our surrounding in a different way than most others who do not possess this quality........we see the world and the nature around us through our lenses....and that keeps us going hand in hand.  It has been a great opportunity under which we made up our minds to launch this site and  now with such brisk pace it has grown, and as it grows, it created aspirations and expectations in everyone's mind that enable us to have some more...a  more constructive platform where we can show our talent more profusely and with vigor.

As promised we the admins and moderators of this site are in constant touch and in discussion among ourselves and with the members alike so that we can come with ideas and plans to make  this site more active, beautiful, enriching and fruitful and last but not the least an enjoyable experience.  Taking cue from all the above thus we have decided to start this blog along with our site as we have seen that a lot of members have a lot to express, discuss and share other than just photography, but travel experiences, tours and their personal experiences in the group.  Since we have always tried our best to keep the site exclusively for photography we have also understood your needs and thus we take this opportunity to release this blog for our site where all the members can share and discuss their experiences as mentioned above.

We the admins/moderators thus request all the distinguished members to please follow this blog regularly for all information and for discussions, group discussions, photos, contests and others from time to time.  I hope all the members would appreciate this endeavor and enjoy the blog.  Please do not forget to write about how you like this idea as because this would encourage us to think more positively in the coming days.


Admins Desk

Shutter Bugs - Our Photography